Nov 21, 2007

We Like: ANANITA, the Latex Lamp

Ananita is a latex lamp designed by Anita Garcia and produced by Cha Chá in Spain. It is a perfect example of handmade for mass production. Garcia experimented on her own coffee maker, applying liquid latex with a brush. The latex could be peeled off and voilà: a lamp. She then took the handmade prototype to Vinçon and Cha Chá who went straight off to making a mould and mass producing it. The finished piece can be seen in Vinçon amongst other shops. Oh, and word has it, a whole collection of ananitaobjetosluminososparatocar (ananitailluminatedobjectstotouch) is on its way, everyday objects that are here to serve us. Keep your eyes out for the following objects: GoOoOoooLLL!!!! . . . MMmmmhhh!!!! . . . Rriiinnngggg!!! . . . For more, visit Anita Garcia’s web site.

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